Suna Kajian Antropologi Interpretatif Pada Etnis Nias Di Desa Onolimbu Raya, Kec. Mandrehe Barat, Kab.Nias Barat


  • Fanny May Sarah Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Nuriza Dora Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Kata Kunci:

Comunity, Suna, Tradition


This research aims to find out the "Suna" tradition of the Nias ethni group in Onolimbu Raya Village, Mandrehe District, how close the Sirombo people are, since when did the "Suna" tradition occur in Nias Sirombo, what are the procedures for implementing the "Suna" tradition, and what is its value? contained in the Suna tradition. The "Suna" tradition is an important tradition for Nias people (especially North and West Nias), because there is a social sanction that if an adult male is not or has not been circumcised, then that male is a kind of ostracized by society. They will feel embarrassed, plus the requirement to marry a woman, whether a Muslim or Christian man in Sirombo, must have done "Suna". The data collection technique used in this research uses a qualitative approach with the ethnographic method. Data collection methods in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The aim of this research is to see how the people of the Nias Sirombo tribe believe in the "Suna" tradition, especially among Christians. The results of this research explain the knowledge of the Nias people regarding "suna" as a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The conclusion of this research is that the people of Nias Sirombo still believe in this "Suna" tradition which marks them as adult men.


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Cara Mengutip

Sarah, F. M., & Dora, N. (2023). Suna Kajian Antropologi Interpretatif Pada Etnis Nias Di Desa Onolimbu Raya, Kec. Mandrehe Barat, Kab.Nias Barat. MANHAJ: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Sosial Budaya Dan Kemasyarakatan, 2(2), 83–91. Diambil dari

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