Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dan Psikologi Humanistik Tentang Potensi Manusia


  • Dewi Kirana STAI UISU Pematangsiantar

Kata Kunci:

Psychology, Humanistic, Transcendent


The concept of Humanistic Psychology regarding human existence and potential is that all humans have the need and tendency to actualize themselves. However, even though all humans have this ability, only a very small percentage of people succeed in achieving it. This is partly because people are blind to their own abilities. They don't realize the limits of what they can achieve and don't understand the rewards of self-actualization. The unique potential found in humans, such as human relationships and affection, freedom, transcendent dimensions, consciousness and so on. That the creation of harmonious human relationships, accompanied by unconditional acceptance, empathetic understanding and the belief that a person has the competence to direct themselves, provides opportunities for a person to "grow" and carry out self-organization.


Maslow, A.H. 1943. A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review.

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Hasan, P. & Muh. A. Kontribusi Psikologi Pendidikan Dalam Pembelajaran. An-Nizom 6(1) 2021. https://doi.org/10.29300/NZ.V6I1.

Saleh, A.A. 2018. Pengantar Psikologi. Makassar: Penerbit Aksara Timur




Cara Mengutip

Kirana, D. (2023). Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dan Psikologi Humanistik Tentang Potensi Manusia. MANHAJ: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Sosial Budaya Dan Kemasyarakatan, 2(2), 47–54. Diambil dari https://jurnal.staiuisu.ac.id/index.php/manhaj/article/view/23